
Acupuncture for Headaches

According to acupuncturists, as many as five hundred points on the body are connected to nerve receptors. When extremely thin stainless steel needles (some no thicker than a hair) are eased into some of these areas (acupoints), the nerve cells are stimulated and pain decreases. Although Western science can’t explain why it might work, acupuncture is thought to trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s “feel good” hormones that fight pain and depression. Studies have found that acupuncture also stimulates the immune and circulatory systems.

When you first visit an acupuncturist, you may be surprised at the amount of time he or she spends interviewing you. Naturally, you’ll be asked about your symptoms, your medical history, and your pain, but you’ll also be quizzed about your diet, sleeping habits, bowel habits, and emotional state. The acupuncturist will probably examine your tongue, fingernails, eyes, and skin; may listen to your speaking voice, bowel sounds, and breathing; and will take your pulse. The idea is to find out the source of the imbalance in your body that’s leading to your headaches.

During an acupuncture session, you’ll loosen your clothes, lie down on a padded table, and receive one or more of the following treatments:
  • Insertion of acupuncture needles: Very thin acupuncture needles are slid into the designated acupoints and left in place for twenty to forty minutes. The needles may seem to be in places that are mighty far from your head, but energy pathways extend through out the body, and blockages in your leg may be causing your head
    pain. Be patient.
  • Insertion of acupuncture needles and application of a low level electrical current: The acupuncturist inserts the needles, then attaches them via tiny wires to a machine that delivers a low-grade dose of electricity. When the machine is turned on, the needles exude a slight vibration for a somewhat more intense stimulation of the nerves. It shouldn’t hurt or even feel annoying, and the machine can be adjusted to increase or decrease the intensity of the current.
  • Burning of herbs (moxibustion): An herb called mugwort (or moxa in Chinese) is burned over the acupuncture points to stimulate them. The herb, in pill form, is attached to a piece of cardboard that is placed on the acupoint. As the pill burns gently and slowly on top of the cardboard, the acupoint is stimulated by the heat.
  • Cupping: Little glass cups are warmed and placed on top of the acupuncture points, and as they cool, they create a suction-cup effect that stimulates the area.
If you decide to try acupuncture, be aware that you may need five or six sessions before the treatment “takes” and you see results. But once you experience pain relief, it may last for days, weeks, or even months. For best results, get regular acupuncture treatments once or twice a week for at least two months. Then, if you feel it’s working, you may want to cut back to once a week or once every other week.

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