
Aromas for Headaches and Migraines

The following list identifies the essential oils commonly used to treat headaches, their special qualities, and their yin or yang predisposition.

Cardamom - A yang scent with a sweet and spicy aroma, cardamom helps relieve headaches and strengthen the entire body.

Chamomile - The flowers of the English (also called Roman) chamomile plant have a gentle sedative action that relaxes the body and is useful for relieving tension headaches, irritability, depression, and anxiety. Chamomile also relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine, making it a good remedy for migraine-related nausea. A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime can help lull you to sleep, but the aroma is also very effective in a warm bath. Chamomile is a yin aroma.

Lavender - Well-known for its ability to encourage relaxation, ease muscle spasms, relieve pain, lift depression, and tone the nervous system, lavender (a yang aroma) is a popular remedy for headaches
and migraines, as well as the anxiety and insomnia that often accompany them.

Marjoram - As popular with chefs as it is with aromatherapists, this savory yang scent is used to relieve tension headaches, migraine headaches, and the resultant insomnia.

Peppermint - A yang aroma, peppermint is able to relieve pain, prevent muscle spasms that can contribute to tension headaches, and strengthen the nervous system.

Rose - An antidepressant with sedative and general tonic properties, rose is a yin aroma used for PMS headaches and insomnia.

Rosemary -An early favorite of European herbalists, this yang aroma is useful for treating hangover headaches, improving circulation, and strengthening blood vessels.

Aromas For Migraines

Many of the aromas used for general headache relief are also used to treat migraines; these include chamomile, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, and rosemary. But the following aroma may be even more

Basil - This savory yang aroma helps restore balance to the nervous system, which is a vital part of combating the stress that accompanies migraines. Basil also strengthens the mind, clarifies thought, and banishes intellectual fatigue. Caution: pregnant women should not use basil.

Eucalyptus - Taken from one of the world’s tallest trees, eucalyptus (a yin aroma) is a painkiller useful for treating migraines or sinus headaches, especially when used in conjunction with peppermint.

Melissa - A lemon-scented yang aroma, melissa works against migraines both directly and indirectly by combating the tension that can bring them on, as well as the nausea and depression that can accompany them.

Be cautious in using aromatherapy for migraines. Use aromatherapy only at the onset of the attack. Odors inhaled later may increase severity of the migraine and bring on nausea. 

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