

Amaranth (Amaranthus species) Parts used: Leaf and seed. Amaranth, also known as pigweed or redroot, is so persistent that the Greeks considered it a symbol of immortality. Amaranth leaves can be collected before flowering and eaten raw like spinach. The seeds can be collected in late summer or autumn, spread out on a paper bag, and allowed to dry for several days. Using your fingers, separate the seeds from the chaff and use a colander to separate the two. The seeds then can be ground or used as flour and added to dehydrated breads. Amaranth leaves are considered astringent and diuretic. Amaranth leaf tea has been utilized to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and excessive menstrual bleeding. Amaranth does contain some oxalates, which can inhibit calcium absorption, so be sure your diet contains calcium if incorporating more than small amounts of amaranth.

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