
Foods for Fuel and Medicine

If you had to depend on an automobile for transportation, and that automobile was designed to run on high octane fuel, would you fill the gas tank with low octane fuel and expect it to perform well? That vehicle would knock and ping on a low octane fuel. The same principle applies for humans. If we do not eat the foods that our bodies were designed to run on, we will eventually experience problems in our bodies that you can compare with knocks, pings, and stalling of an automobile. My body performs with boundless energy right up until I lie down to sleep at night provided I keep only high quality foods in my diet and don't overeat fats. I believe that I was designed to run on high octane foods. If I consume low octane (processed) foods, my body needs rest to digest them. Some people can get away with consuming low octane foods longer than others (depending on their genetics) but it eventually catches up with them and their bodies start to knock, ping, and stall.
We cannot expect all foods to have the same effects on all people. Each of us has different nutritional needs and sensitivities. Also note that to get a desired effect from a food we do not need to consume a large or even moderate amount, in some cases less may be more effective than more.
In this chapter we will cover many commonly available foods so that you will understand what high octane foods are, how to use foods for medicinal purposes, how to help regulate body temperature with them, and more.

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