A direct connection exists between nutrition and lifestyle choices and the way in which the mind functions. For example, when Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is deficient, depression, irritability, withdrawal, and schizoid tendencies are common symptoms. When Vitamin B3 (niacin) is deficient, anxiety, fatigue, and depression symptoms may occur. Now imagine if all the essential building blocks (foods) and conditions (lifestyle factors) were present. Your mind could function in ways that , for most people, are fleeting. Imagine functioning at your highest potential all of the time.
Professor Arnold Ehret, noted European savant, raw foodist and author of many books, explains how correct nutrition can lead to a state of higher consciousness in his book, The Mucusless Diet Healing System.
"If your blood is formed from eating the foods I teach you, your brain will surprise you. Your former life will take on the appearance of a dream and, for the first time in your existence, your consciousness will awaken to a real self-consciousness. Your mind, your thinking, your ideals, your aspirations and your philosophy changes fundamentally in such a way as to beggar description. Your soul will shout for joy and triumph over misery of life, leaving it all behind you. For the first time, you will feel a vibration of vitality through your body (like slight electric current) that shakes you delightfully."
I have experienced exactly what Professor Ehret explains in this quote and believe that most people can experience this transformation as well, if they follow the guidelines in this book.
Robert Ross talks about what it means to be a whole being: "The real value of a whole, raw food diet is that it empowers more than just our health. With a healthy body and healthy mind, we not only think clearly and less reactively, but with greater awareness, understanding, sensitivity and compassion. A healthy, whole being takes full responsibility naturally, doesn't fall into fear and anger with a knee-jerk response to adversity and has compassion for people who seemingly are against us as well as our friends. We have that whole being in us just waiting to come out and all we have to do is stop repressing it with toxic lifestyle and diet choices. Whole raw foods help us get in touch with our natural power. Whole beings are naturally powerful. The toxins in processed and cooked foods, however, block your natural power. Many of these toxins actually have a sedative-like effect on the brain."
Many people claim that while on a living and raw foods diet, they feel more alive and tuned in to themselves, their environments, and others. Some call it a "raw high" to explain how they feel on raw and living foods.
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