
The Barefoot Cure

Going barefooted all day long, except when it is very cold, is also regarded as a valuable step towards achieving good health and true happiness.
Men can draw vital energy and strength out of the earth through their feet. Jesus Christ also attached a great deal of importance to the practice of going barefooted. He himself was barefooted and commanded his disciples likewise. It is advisable to go entirely barefooted as often as possible, especially on the bare ground but in rooms with painted floors it is better to wear sandals, since the painted floor affects the body adversely if one walks on it with bare soles.

The American Indians, especially the Hopi people, lay great stress on earth treatment. They believe that healing power is strong in leaves and herbs, powerful in the air, but very powerful indeed in the earth. They have a custom to bury sufferers from all kinds of disease in the earth up to their necks, leave them there for some hours, and then remove them. They
believe that many of them are cured. Presumably the body draws unto itself the healing minerals and some of the earth's magnetism. To a lesser degree, it is possible to obtain these benefits by baring of the feet.

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