We (humans) actually have electrical systems inside our bodies. "The nerve impulses that direct motion are essentially a very low voltage electric circuit. Normal nerve impulse transmission occurs at a speed of approximately 136 meters per second, which is fast enough to appear instantaneous to us."
(Balch and Balch pg. 276) This electrical system that directs our motion and performs many essential tasks inside our bodies is susceptible to interference from unseen forces that I will explain in this section.
Electric and magnetic fields together are referred to as electromagnetic fields (EMFs). They both generate radiation in the form of waves that become weaker and then disappear as you move away from the source. For example, household appliances generate fields that usually drop off just a few feet away while high-tension transmission lines can generate a field that can travel several hundred feet or more. The fields pass through walls and there is no easy way to block them out. EMFs are found wherever there are electric transmission lines and around the devices plugged into them. They are invisible and silent. Humans are not biologically equipped to consciously detect EMFs; the result of this can adversely affect us. Some people do notice the invisible EMF fields. For example, when exposed to EMFs I need more sleep.
An apartment that I lived in years ago had an electric water heater just 2 feet from the bed. I almost always shut the water heater off before bed and felt well rested in the morning on 7 hours sleep. On the nights that I forgot to shut the water heater off, I had trouble waking up even after 9 hours sleep. This went on for several years and I am 100 percent convinced that the EMF field was the cause of the need for more sleep.
Why worry? Spending time in a high EMF field can have dangerous effects on our tissues and cells and has even been shown to cause cancer. Many good books are available on EMFs; Such as The Great Power-Line Cover-Up by Paul Brodeur and Electromagnetic Fields, a Consumers Guide to the issues and how to Protect Ourselves by B. Blake Levitt. I recommend one called WARNING: The Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous To Your Health by Ellen Sugarman. The following studies have been summarized from that book.
Dr. Ross Adey, director of the Brain Research Institute at UCLA, and his colleagues found that exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs, changed the behavior of monkeys and cats and altered their brain waves. ELF EMFs also changed the level of calcium in the brains of young chickens.
Some people have become so sensitive to EMFs that they have seizures when exposed. This phenomenon is documented in a videotape that I recommend called, The Current Switch: How to identify and reduce or eliminate electromagnetic pollution in the home.
What astounds me is the large body of evidence that shows an increased rate of leukemia in humans exposed to EMFs. The New England Journal of Medicine printed a report in 1982 that showed that utility workers had double the incidence of leukemia in comparison to men in other occupations.
Several studies have shown a connection between leukemia, lymphoma and cancer of the nervous system in children exposed to EMFs. Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. Andrew Marino proved conclusively that EMFs causes cancer to proliferate rapidly.
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