"Frying food damages otherwise healthy oils. The high temperature makes the oil oxidize so that instead of being good for you, it generates harmful 'free radicals' in the body" (Holford pg. 52). Frying also destroys the essential fats in food, and when consumed, the free radicals produced by frying can damage cells in the body, increasing the risk of cancer and heart disease and possibly causing premature aging. Frying foods can destroy Vitamins A and E, which also protect us from these dangerous substances. The damaging effects of frying depend on the oil, the temperature and the length of time. "Scores of unnatural breakdown dimer and polymer products with unknown effects on health are produced by frying and deep-frying" (Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, Udo Erasmus).
Over many years of consuming fried foods, our cells accumulate toxic products for which they have not evolved efficient detoxifying mechanisms. These toxins interfere with our body's life chemistry. Cells degenerate and the damage manifests itself as degenerative diseases.
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