
The Limitations of Pseudo-Individualized Supplements

You go to your favorite health food store, pharmacy, or supermarket to buy a multivitamin and mineral supplement ... are immediately bombarded by shelf after shelf of multivitamins! You ask yourself, "which brand should I choose?" Then you notice the female formula (you happen to be female). "Ah ha!" you say to yourself, "this makes sense because I don't want to take manly vitamins, now do I? Of course not! Maybe they' re dangerous for me . . . they might even turn me into a man!"

Fears aside, you then step up to the shelf and notice the "over-40" formula next to the female formula. You say to yourself "you'd think they'd have the over-40 and female formulas all rolled into one." Maybe they do, maybe they don't. The point is that you are naturally drawn to a more body-specific formula. You instinctively want this personalization factor built in—it makes sense.

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