
Metabolic Typing-The Process

The process of Metabolic Typing is a systematic, constitutional analysis of an individual's physiology to determine a long-term nutritional pattern. It is assisted by designated laboratory research on body specimens to further clarify and refine both long and short-term nutritional needs. The Metabolic Typing process, in combination with appropriate laboratory protocol (Profiling), is essential in order to:

• Determine the most efficient and long term protein pattern for an individuai

• Anticipate and measure unusual individual nutrient needs regarding all foods, special forms of foods or supplements, and very high or low amounts of certain nutrient factors

• Determine the best long or short term diet and supplement pattern for an individual

• Detect hidden or suppressed inherent genetic strengths and develop them nutritionally

• Better elucidate any metabolic ramifications reflected from long and short-term nutritional patterns as measured by nutritional or metabolic deficiency/dysfunction analysis

• Design the appropriate macro/micronutrient food, water and supplement ratios within the diet pattern and monitor results with retests

As you can see, the science and art of Metabolic Typing is designed to go to great lengths to "dig out" the facts of the matter when it comes to our own biochemical uniqueness, and what is precisely called for when it comes to diet and supplementation strategies for the attainment of optimum wellness resuits.

The Metabolic Typing process entails categorizing an individual on the basis of factors such as:
• Blood type

• Height

• Weight range

• Pulse rate

• Blood pressure

• Hair characteristics

• Skin traits

• Muscle size
• Shape and tone

• Bone factors

• Overall shape

• Head and face shape

• Personality

• Ethnicity

• Intelligence factors

• Dream states
It is further refined by using laboratory tests that reveal even more specific information about every metabolic and nutrient function we can scientifically measure and understand. This process entails extensive information gathering on the subject: detecting all allergies ' toxins, nutrient deficiencies and excesses, breakdowns in digestion, absorption, utilization and excretion, pre- and post-disease states. A properly "typed" individual will know exactly what his or her metabolic and wellness status is up-to-the-moment, what foods and supplements he or she will thrive on, what foods and supplements to completely avoid, and ultimately will have a fully customized diet and supplement program for his or her body type only.

In essence, a properly "typed" individual need never haphazardiy guess about what foods and supplements he or she needs to be in accordance with how he or she was genetically designed to live. Since our bodies were designed from the start to be healthy (the process is termed "homeostasis"), the precise nutritional program that "typing" yields will insure wellness in direct accordance with nature .

No magical pill, no one-size-fits-all supplement or food, no one-meditation technique, and no one special exercise can foster the metabolic balance of true health. Only the Metabolic Typing process can identify, assemble, and organize all of the many constituents of what it takes to be your healthy best.

In Retrospect:

There are 76 minerals, 17 vitamins, 38 fatty acids, 12 essential amino acids, 28 non-essential amino acids, hundreds—perhaps thousands— of phytonutrients and vitamin-like compounds found in nature—all of which the individual chemistry of our body (and mind) is designed to utilize. These vital nutrients were in existence long before man made an appearance on earth. Much of our genetic setup is based on the amounts and types of these nutrients found in the specific regions that saw the beginning of our ancestors' development as humans (see above, "Where Do Metabolic Types Come From . . . ?" etc.).

These various nutrient groupings have shaped our bodies, mind, and lives for centuries and this process continues. it is only in the last century or so that we have stepped out of the pre-determined nutritional boundaries in our "melting pot society" and, as a result' created fundamental problems of incomplete wellness. These are the problems that are cumulatively plaguing us as a current and ever-intensifying epidemic of diet-related disease. The epidemic is further compounded by our synthetic and mass production agricultural methodologies, nutrient-depleted and disappearing topsoils, extensive food processing, improper food storage, poisonous food additives, pesticides, herbicides and other environmental pollutants, preparation of "enzyme dead foods," and so on. Combined, these poor practices only serve to further undermine the foods that we consume and add extra toxins to our bodies, toxins we have not evolved to handle efficiently over the last 40,000 years of our development as a species.

is it any wonder, then, that Metabolic Typing should be considered the most important process to retrieve our "lost" health once and for all? Metabolic Typing uncovers our individual biochemical identities, and is the only way to precisely measure what it is that we are doing wrong nutritionally. With typing, we will finally be able to get back on the healthy track, and without Metabolic Typing you are only at best "guessing in the dark" about nutrition and therefore risking your health. It should be clear by now that our quest for the medical magic bullet has overlooked body typing and kept us in the dark about the true healing powers of nature. One-size-fits-all thinking, lodged as it is in our culture 's attitudes toward health and nutrition, is hampering our wellness progress. To combat its bad influence, typing is our only hope to right the wrongs of ineffective modern-day nutritional practices. If you agree with these statements, then you are seriously committed to entering the final frontier of nutrition.

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