We begin the first step by discussing your health and fitness objectives. You tell me that you're hoping to eliminate the various and variable symptoms that you've included on your health and history forms, but first and foremost you simply want to feel younger. Some of the nagging symptoms you've noted include:
• Fatigue
• Indigestion
• Joint pain
• Poor sleep patterns
• Constant scarring
• Intermittent skin rashes
• Headaches
• Depression
• Rebounding constipation and diarrhea
• Overt sugar cravings (you're a confirmed "chocoholic")
• Hair loss
• Gum sensitivity
• Heart palpitations on occasion
• wrinkly skin
• inability to concentrate
• intermittent blurred vision
• Flabby untoned musculature
• Excessive fat that just won't come off
• Extreme mood swings
• Chronic sinus congestion and post nasal drip
• Chronically dry and bad tasting mouth
• Very dry or oily skin (depending on the body area)
• Craving for stimulants (like coffee)
• Cold feeling extremities
• Occasional dizziness
• Poor memory
. . . and others still.
Slow-healing wounds Halitosis (bad bre ath) Muscle cramps (especially in
your legs) Multiple "age spots" Premature graying hair Pale complexion Redness in the eyes Ceiluiite Heavy PMS Constant gas Anxiety attacks Foul-smelling stools and urine Stomach pain Excessive sweating Bad body odor Constant burping Blood in the stool Stiffness
Excessive temper inconsistent appetite
You may find, to your surprise, that many of these symptoms are of extreme importance to me as your typing doctor. Prior to our meeting you were told by other health professionals that "it's all in your head," that "it's not that important" or "learn to live with it because there's nothing that can be done anyway." Then, when you think about the quality of your life, you realize that these "dis-eases" are making you absolutely miserable even though the previous doctor said you weren 't really sick.
Our first objective through typing is to naturally eliminate any and all of these symptoms (if possible) so you can feel better. And, of course, you want to live a longer life under improved conditions with. the youthful vitality of earlier days.
Your second objective, according to your statements, is to drop body fat and tone up: get fit again. Maybe you're a person who doesn't exercise at all; or maybe your exercise program is just not cutting it; or maybe you have an even more pressing need to get into shape again. Maybe you're a world-class athlete looking to peak for the next Olympics; or are preparing for a future bodybuilding competition; or you 're a movie star who needs to show some muscle for your next movie which is being filmed in eight weeks. Perhaps you are truiy obese and need to drop the fat and get into shape as a matter of an immediate life or death scenario. Maybe you need to rehabilitate a nagging injury that just won't go away or perhaps you are an average person simply searching for the answers to simply feel and look better.
Now that we know your desired objectives of fat loss and health gain, we can begin a general physical examination, including testing blood pressure, heart rate, listening to your heart and lungs, palpation for abdominal masses; examining your body structure and range of movement, measuring limb and trunk size, doing a body fat analysis; looking at your eyes, ears, nose skin, hair and throat under magnification, and perhaps taking a standard blood and urine sample for conventional analysis (if not performed very recently); maybe we will even take an x-ray of an injury site or have an x-ray performed. if warranted for some other reason. Once we accomplish the standard examination phase of Step 1, we can move on to the next phase which is quantifying (or assessing) your actual macronutrient caloric need given your lifestyle and objectives. How many calories does it take to run your body most efficiently? We'll find out directly.
By the way, the majority of nutrition patients I've worked with have been to other so-called nutritionists (mostly novices) who have never quantified their diet for them. Instead of assessing caloric need scientifically for each client, these novice nutritionists simply guess about this procedure or in some cases are not even aware that it exists in the first place, due to their lack of training and expertise in its application. Many of my patients have walked into the office with what I term "standard form diets" taken from a generic source with no real direct connection to them as the patient.
in one instance, a patient of mine handed me a Pritikin Diet plan. Apparentiy, this patient had walked into a nutritionist's office, plopped down $150, talked to the novice nutritionist for about fifteen minutes (with no formal exam or medical history taken), and was then handed this generic Pritikin Diet. it had been taken from a notebook. The patient had been told to follow through on it, though no quantification or qualification process to determine exact calorie needs was performed, no typing, no metabolic analysis, and no diet analysis of any kind was given. To add insult to injury, my new patient plopped down an additional $150 for a group of one-size-fits-all supplements, which of course had no connection to the actual measurable needs of this patient. And, there was that same pile of partly used supplements placed on my desk, pills that my patient had barely taken because they made her feel even worse after she ingested them.
What a joke! My disgust with this treatment of my new patient intensified further when I found out that the particular novice nutritionist in question is a (somewhat) famous nutritionist "to the stars." in reaiity, this person has no discernible or accredited academic qualifications at all. Truly a case of the "blind leading the blind." What's worse is that this is not an isolated case—this kind of fraud occurs every day to thousands of unsuspecting consumers. Don't be one of them!
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