
Good Medicine - Cacao and Some Other Plant Foods Contain Magnesium

Eliminating sugar and white flour, eating fiber-rich, slowly digested complex carbohydrates and incorporating plain yogurt or probiotic supplements to encourage the growth of healthy gastrointestinal bacteria, which favorably compete with yeast toxins for space. 

TEA UP A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that tea drinkers doubled their odds of conceiving, perhaps because of tea’s antioxidant content. Note: Blakeway advises avoiding red raspberry leaf tea because it is linked to miscarriage. 

Supplement smartly

MELLOW MAGNESIUM This mineral is thought to keep the fallopian tubes relaxed, facilitating the travel of sperm to meet egg. In IVF, it can calm the uterus to encourage implantation. Dean suggests getting 750 milligrams daily. The mineral is also found in seaweed, cacao, leafy greens, nuts and seeds.

SOMETHING FISHY Holistic nutritionist Sally Kravich, M.S., CNHP, recommends fish oil (800-plus milligrams EPA and 500-plus milligrams DHA per day) to balance your hormones and encourage healthy fetal brain development. 

HELPFUL HERBS Chinese herbs are often used in conjunction with acupuncture to address elevated follicle stimulating hormone < (FSH) levels, repeat miscarriage, unexplained infertility and PCOS, says Oakland, Calif. -based acupuncturist and herbalist Zoe Cohen, LAc. Multicomponent formulas are generally tailored for each patient based on her diagnosis. Cohen cautions that herbs can be deceptively powerful and may interact with fertility drugs, so be sure to see a licensed herbalist experienced in treating infertility.

BLEND IN A BOTTLE Not ready to jump head-first into Chinese herbs? Stanford University School of Medicine researchers found that FertilityBlend, a combination of prenatal vitamins and fertility-enhancing herbs, increases the chances of conceiving. (Fertility Blend for Men boosts sperm count.)

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