
Strength versus Size - Body Building

For years, exercise physiology textbooks have stated that the strength of a muscle is in direct proportion to its size. Unfortunately, many bodybuilders have failed to understand this concept.

An understanding of muscular size and muscular strength, in simple terms, is in order.
  • To increase the strength of a muscle, you must increase its size.
  • Increasing the size of your muscle will increase its strength.
  • If all other factors are known and allowed for, a correct measurement of the size of your muscle will give an accurate Indication of the strength of your muscle, and vice versa.
Once the above points are understood, the Implications are obvious. Bodybuilders, who are primarily interested in muscular size, must train for maximum muscular strength to build maximum muscular size. Competitive weightlifters, who are interested In strength, must train for maximum muscular size to build maximum strength. In other words, bodybuilders and weightlifters should train in much the same way.

Much of the size-versus-strength confusion comes from the practice of comparing one trainee with another. Such comparisons cannot be done on a meaningful basis. Except in cases involving identical twins, it is scientifically impossible to make rational comparisons between two individuals. Even in cases involving identical twins, there are still enough differences to make many comparisons less than accurate.

This does not mean that you should not make comparisons. Meaningful evaluations can be made by comparing you to yourself over a certain period of time. Measurement of your body, before and after this 42-day course, can be valuable to you. Comparing your results to Keith's or David's, although interesting, can be misleading. Be careful.

In simple terms, neither the size of a muscle nor the strength of a muscle is an easy thing to measure. On a several-day basis, it's easier to measure your strength than your size. You're already doing a terrific Job by keeping accurate records of your workouts. Each time you do exactly 6 repetitions of an exercise, circle it in red on your workout sheet. To be comparable it should be done in the same style at the same spot in the routine. If this is the case, then a gradual progression In your weight used Indicates a gradual increase In your muscular strength. Likewise, there should be related increase in your muscular size.

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